Precision Rifle Custom Muzzleloader Bullets
proudly presents our
Premium Trajectory Sabots
In mid March 2002 Ralph Lermayer, the guru of blackpowder writers and one of the very few writers who tests everything before he writes about it, was doing an article for Outdoor Life on .45 caliber muzzleloaders. Ralph called me to report that every weight of PTS outshone all the competition. He said "you should rename those shootin' sons-of-bitches "Dead Center" because that's exactly where they always shoot." Having an open mind, I decided to take his advice and adopt the newly coined name.
"Dead Center"
August 2006 - "Dead Center" bullets win the "World's Flattest Shooting Muzzleloader Bullet" contest. Click here for full report
Left: 240 gr Dead Center .40 Right: 175 gr Dead Center .357
Outstanding TrajectoryThe smooth ogive to bearing of the bullet increases the Ballistic Coefficient which in turn decreases bullet drop. Flatter trajectory makes it easier to make the extended range shots.
August 2006 - "Dead Center" bullets win the "World's Flattest Shooting Muzzleloader Bullet" contest. Click here for full report
Huge Downrange Energy
Muzzleloaders are limited in velocity by the physics of the gun and the limitations of the components. The only place left to increase performance is through bullet design. Higher Ballistic Coefficient equals higher downrange velocities which means higher downrange energy.
Deep Penetration
We recognize that many hunters hunt in times and areas where there is no snow to assist in trailing. To that end, we have designed the Dead Center for shoot-thru performance. We have changed the polymer tip and the cavity behind the polymer tip so the bullet dissipates most of it's energy while still gaining complete penetration. One entire year of testing, re-testing and development have resulted in a bullet that performs inside the cavity as well as penetration through the animal. The result; greater blood trails for easier game recovery.
Easy Loading
The long ogive combined with the boat-tail base make for a very easy loading bullet. Sabot dimensions have been reworked for optimum results with our Dead Center bullets. No need for short starters or tool steel ramrods as these bullets fit the sabots and the sabots fit your barrel.
Outstanding Accuracy
In 2001 our QT bullets won the World Championships. I believe our Dead Center bullets shoot even better. Everything we learned from the QT we carried over in the design of the
Dead Center. Everything we learned from making over a million QT has been incorporated into the Dead Center.