The Ultimate Savage Smokeless ML
* You pick the length from 18" to 28" long to suit your style
* Remington Sendaro taper for perfect stock fit
* 1 : 20" .45 caliber twist for 'bullet to bore'
* 1 : 26" .50 caliber twist for use with sabots
Savage Model 10 with Large Rifle VariFlame primer ignition for use with Large Rifle and Large Pistol primers.
Select the perfect flame for your gun and load combination to get exact ignition and the ultimate in accuracy.
Convert your short or long action Savage to the safest, most user friendly smokeless muzzleloader available. And then convert it back to your rifle in mere moments. Very cooL.
Eliminates all the shortcomings of the Savage 10ML series. Once converted, your new Savage ML will feature the following benefits:
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