The future of muzzleloading has arrived
Large Rifle VariFlame primer adapters for use with Large Rifle and Large Pistol primers.
Select the perfect flame for your muzzleloader and load combination to get exact ignition and the ultimate in accuracy.
Large Rifle VariFlame primer adapters with T/C Encore / Omega breech plug
Large Rifle VariFlame primer adapters with Austin & Halleck firing pin and breech plug
The perfect ignition for inline muzzleloaders. By selecting Large Rifle Magnum through standard Large Pistol primers VariFlame primer adapters will work with every powder including Blackhorn 209 and all smokeless powders. The central flame created by the LRVF is the perfect ignition for all muzzleloader applications.
Our adapters have been tested to withstand pressures created with 200 grain charges of Blackhorn 209 powder and 80 grain charges of smokeless powder.
Large Pistol primers are almost an exact duplicate of small rifle primers so shooters can select those primers for use with Black Powder, Pyrodex and Triple Seven. Large Rifle and Large Rifle Magnum primers are perfect for Blackhorn 209 and all smokeless powders. Only our LRVF system gives muzzleloader hunters the perfect ignition solution for every powder.
T/C Encore and Omega style breech plugs
T/C Encore / Omega owners can order a new 416 Stainless breech plug with 10 adapters for $59.95. Note these are the T/C full thread breech plugs and not the Pro Hunter style 1/4 turn breech plugs. See Option below for those.
All others ; you can MAIL us your 209 breech plug and we will machine it and provide 10 adapters for only $40.00.
See mailing instructions below.
All breech plugs shipped by MAIL ONLY to:
35088 Cedar Lake Rd
Anola, MB
R5L 0A3
Note: Declared value should not exceed $50. Values above $50 may be subject to Customs fees and taxes.
Customer testimonials:
Thanks again! Your products continue to be on the cutting edge of muzzleloader technology. The new "VariFlame Primer Adapter" works like a charm. They are very easy to reload and in combination with the "Extreme Elite" 40 caliber 240 grain bullets, I shot the best group ever in my 45 caliber G2.
Cecil, your product line is very simply the best.
Dr. Ed Brown
Shot all day Thursday...Friday...Saturday...and Sunday, doing some ballistic work for Pedersoli. Several loads that were kind of "wild", or had unexplainable flyers, settled right down when I used the "VariFlame".
The "VariFlame" really made a difference. Several of the adapters have now been reused 50 to 60 times...and still hold a primer securely.
Toby Bridges
HIGH PERFORMANCE MUZZLELOADINGI've ordered your 25 ACP breech plug for my T/C Encore muzzleloader last year and the VariFlame adapter this year. What great products!
However this year I find myself using the VariFlame more often. I'm getting great groups compared to the 209 primer days. Keep up the good work.
Click here to on-line now!1-877-828-5538
First Posted 4/20/2005 Last Updated 2/07/2017Return to Precision Rifle